nobody is you and that's your superpower.


Other photgraphers rolled their eyes when i offered a $1000 mini-session...

until i filled all 8 spots within days.

a transformative program for personal brand photographers

hey brand photographer! 👋

Now is the time to embrance a proven step-by-step launch and high-ticket offer execution by a 17-year photographer who reveals how you too can successfully fill a high-ticket mini-session offer that brings in dream clients.

You already know that the experts, influencers and authorities in the photography industry who you currently look up to are consistently booked out...and chances are, that's exactly what you want too, yes?

If you're stuck in the "how do I get more dream clients to sign up for my mini-sessions" phase...which of these applies to you?

I've launched mini's before and nobody signs up

if i offer mini's, i'll be associated as a cheap, fast, low-quality photographer and will attract the wrong clients

how can i ever really grow my business if i'm offering mini-sessions?

if I can't get them to pay $250 for a mini-session, there's no way i can get them to pay $1000

After reading that, how much of it applies to you?

There simply is not a single successful photographer who doesn't put in the work on the back-end. Even for a smaller offer like a mini-session.

It just doesn't exist! 

Think about it for a minute - when was the last time you said yes to an offer where you barely knew the person making the offer and didn't know what to expect when you hand over your credit card?

I'm guessing you haven't, and if you have - you've been burned. (like spent the entire sunny-90-degree-day at the beach with no sunscreen burned. ouch.)

But you see photographers all the time filling up their mini-session spots, so you know it's possible. Yes, it's possible for you!

If you've been feeling the tug to do mini-sessions, then that means you already have it in you to create, launch and execute high-ticket mini-session offers!

The cold hard truth is:

If you don't have a waitlist and an intentional launch plan, your mini-sessions won't fill up. And un-filled mini-sessions leaves you feeling under-valued.

This is not your typical mini-session program.

Roadmap to Mini-Sessions


it's an 10-week live virtural transformation process that will take you...

from hearing crickets during your mini-session launch, to filling up every spot with dream clients.

Uncover your ideal mini-session experience that will give you clarity on how to bring it into reality.

Discover the way YOU work best to prevent burn-out and experience the freedom in which you started this photography business for in the first place.

Determine how to create an irresistible offer in alignment with your offer suite to meet your monetary goals.

Learn how to set up and nurture a mini-session waitlist that will fill up spot, after spot every time you launch.

Receive the "plug-and play" process you need to create a high-ticket experience that leaves returning clients that rave about you.

It turns everything you've ever thought you knew about how to apply course material into your business on it's head. So that, no matter what coach, course or program you invest in, you'll get the most out of your investment every single time.

Catie Ronquillo Photography

In reality - RMS could be called "Launching For Photographers" because the process could work for any type of session offer.

I was convinced that people wouldn't pay what I really wanted to charge for a mini-session.

But seeing Kimberly's success with a higher-ticket offer proved to me that it can happen for me too.

After investing in RMS, I have much more clarity now - especially around building a waitlist, curating my offer suite and marketing my new and improved - higher ticket - mini-sessions!

Michelle Davina Photography

My breaking point was just the frustrations of not getting it totally right. I felt like a failure.

My biggest fear with mini-sessions is that no one would purchase my offer.

That they wouldn't think it was desirable, or that I could even execute a mini-session in real life versus what was in my head.

I'm a very detailed oriented person and fell in love with how you covered EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY THING.

RMS covered what I hadn't considered and now I have all the steps from beginning to end on how to execute a successful mini-session launch.

Kristen Touma Photography

I gained the clarity needed to execute a mini-session.

Not only did RMS provide all the logistical steps to creating a waitlist, open enrollment, marketing emails - basically everything needed to execute the marketing stages and get customers...but, when Kimberly walked us through a visualization process, I gained the clarity needed to execute a mini-session.

Whether you're brand new or have had successful launches, you can always learn something from others, and the Roadmap to Mini Sessions program is full of gems!

Laura Flores

The details of the entire process from start to finish was SO valuable.

I struggled to book out my mini-sessions. Every time I tried, I would only get 1-3 bookings.

It just wasn't worth my time and energy this way. I honestly thought, "mini-sessions aren't right for me.

After joining Kimberly's mini-session waitlist, I saw she was always filling her mini-sessions, and that was proof I could learn how to do the same from her.

RMS was FULL of insights & wisdom.  Especially the templates and workflow. Kimberly's investment of time and kindness helped me to be more successful and that means the world to me.

If you're on the fence, my advice is - JUST DO IT!

Here is where the magic happens. This module was created to give you the tools you need to know exactly how to implement the lessons inside modules two through four. While my students love the plug and play of the program, they say this module is the most valuable.

module one

inside rMS You'll discover

uncovering what you really want and the best way to do it

This module is all the back end work you don't see the photographers that you look up to do that makes their mini-session launches, offer and experience so successful, it leaves your clients wanting to work with you again and again.

module two

Setting up your offer and launch for success

Now we get to the juicy stuff you've been waiting for. Module three is dedicated to marketing your mini-sessions that attracts your ideal clients and has them anxious and excited to work with you.

module three

How to promote your mini-session offer year round without feeling salesy

Being an entrepreneur is no joke. The highs, the lows, your dedication, and passion. The feeling of "I'm doing exactly what I'm meant to do" and wanting to quit all in the same hour.  Module four will show you how to keep the momentum going so that you have success launch after launch.

module four

What to do after you've executed the offer to keep the momentum going

Roadmap to Mini-Sessions may not be cheap, but it shows you how to get the results you desire. It's not some $97 or even $297 mini-session course like the ones you see out there.

It's a small investment in yourself that pays huge dividends in your future.

One that will pay you back for years to come. By showing you how you can make a difference in the life of those you're craving to serve...with a business that let's you thrive the way you were designed to.

It's a transformation that frees you from what society tells you you 'should' be doing, leans into your highest potential which leads you to become the go-to personal branding photographer in your area.

It's a compilation of figuring it out on my own plus the thousands of dollars I've spent in mentors and programs, but at a fraction of the cost (both monetary and with time) for you.

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it's an easy choice.

Because I'm determined to get RMS into as many photographers hands as possible, to turn their dreams into reality...

Roadmap to Mini-Sessions is usually just $999.

However, just for joining the webinar live, you'll have the opportunity to invest for only two payments of $333.

That's right! Join me and other photographers just like you for the live webinars and get inside RMS for just $333!

so, how much is my investment?

- rae holloway
purple star photography

"Working with Kimberly will help you identify what you need to take your business to the next level.  Kimberly helps you establish better business practices so that you can have a more fulfilling personal life and a thriving business."

"I now have the playbook to achieve success."

- teresa hnat photography

"Most impact-fully, Kimberly helped me with boundaries, growth and goals. I knew I needed all of these things, but Kimberly helped me not only define them, but stick to them."

"How the heck did I manage before having all of this? Things run smoother now."


save $111 when you pay in full


two payments of



Have questions about your investment?
Email hello@ksromano.com to get all of your questions answered!


I'm so confident that this program works, if you put in the work, and it's for that reason I'm offering a no-money-back guarantee.

But whyyyyyyyyyyy...

To avoid the photographers who aren't really looking to do the work, and instead, just want a quick fix. For those that are just looking for a refund, or to let an investment sit on their computer, untouched or simply skimmed through for just the 'juicy' stuff.

I've ONLY created this program for the photographers who are so sick and tired of the same old photography business programs that they are committed to doing things in a different way to receive new results.

So, if you're still doubting whether you can do it and get the results, then maybe this program isn't for you yet.

Peace Of Mind For When You Invest

I have some extra goodies for you!


Uncover the exact workflow used inside my mini-session experience that keeps my clients engaged in the planning process PLUS you'll see what's automated to give you the freedom to do other things while your business works for you. (valued at $97)


Includes my mini-session email templates and both the planning and review questionnaire questions! (valued at $197)


Includes both the Master & Client Timeline templates PLUS my exclusive Photoshoot Planner template to use for both mini-sessions and customize for your full sessions too! (valued at $297)


The most popular bundle of all! Includes Instagram Story Launch Promo templates, my exact sales page layout, a Rinse & Repeat Launch Checklist PLUS a 30-Day Launch Content Calendar complete with hooks that stop the scroll. (valued at $397)


Looking for extra support that's focused on just YOU? Look no further than snagging one of five spots available to work 1:1 with Kimberly via a recorded video Zoom call to use anytime during the program. (Spots are limited to the first 5 photographers who join the program when the doors open - valued at $497)

The 4 main modules of RMS will completely transform the way you approach your business.

But, that's only the beginning!

When you join Roadmap to Mini-Sessions, you also get 4 massive bonuses to make your progress even faster and your success even easier with plug-and-play tools that simply the back-end work of creating your offer AND client experience!

When you join roadmap to mini-sessions you get instant access to the 4 RMS training modules -- videos and exercises that transform you from hearing crickets to filled spots when you launch your mini-sessions! (value: $997)

So, Let's Recap!


($7,449 to be exact)

You get all of my PLUG-AND-PLAY Templates! (Value: $591)

Not to mention, ALL my Marketing Templates! (Value: $397)

You get 10x LIVE Group Coaching Sessions to learn the lessons live, completed with Q&A at the end to answer your questions, clear up any doubt, keep you motived and on track. (Value: $4,970)

Plus you'll get 3 additional LIVE Hot Seat Calls to give you that extra support between the Live Group Coaching Sessions. (Value: $1,491)

So now it's time for you to make one of two choices...

The first choice is to choose to not enroll in Roadmap to Mini-Sessions. To keep doing what you've been doing and work endless hours to figure it out on your own. But I'm guessing since you're here that this is already what you're doing with seeing zero progress. And as you already know, if you choose nothing...then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you want your photography business to grow (no matter what kind of offers you have), and you want to make an impact in the entrepreneurs world you work with, then your choice is obvious.

Join us inside Roadmap to Mini Sessions and begin to transform the way you run your business to become the successful personal brand photographer you know you're meant to be.

Simply click the button below to join the waitlist to get the insider details of when Roadmap to Mini-Sessions doors open. Once you enroll, you'll gain instant access to the entire course, plus 10 weeks of live support to guide you on your journey.



Roadmap to Mini-Sessions was specifically created with personal brand photographers in mind. What makes THIS program different than any other mini-session course you've ever taken can be broken down into three distinct reasons:

#1 - MINDSET - This program is designed for you to implement how YOU work best and based on what YOUR goals are for your business - not mine. This is not your typical mindset work you find in other programs. The mindset work inside of RMS is designed to give you BREAKTHROUGHS you've never experienced before.

#2 - BECOMING SELF-LED - The secret benefit of RMS (so my students say) is that you become a self-led entrepreneur. Your business is different. YOU are different. Roadmap to Mini-Sessions shows you how to craft the right plan for your business based on the VISION you've created for yourself.

#3 - ACTION TAKERS - In order to create change and momentum in your business you MUST take action. Roadmap to Mini-Sessions was created to show you what actions to take to reach your goals. RMS students are successful because they are committed to taking action inside their business. 


To avoid the bottom-feeders who aren't really looking to do the work, we offer a no-refund policy. 

I've created this program ONLY for the photographers who are so sick and tired of the same old photography business programs that they are committed to doing things in a different way to receive new results.

My guarantee is that if you put in the work, you'll experiences shifts and breakthroughs that produce returns for years to come. No matter how your business expands over the years.

And because I want to ensure this program is right for you...here's the most popular questions answered...


While I highly encourage you to attend each LIVE call to get the most out of this program, sometimes life be lifen' and schedules don't align for the LIVE calls.

That's exactly why when you join RMS, you'll gain instant access to the entire course. So that, no matter how you work best (in a group setting or self-led) you receive the guidance and support you deserve.

Roadmap to Mini-Sessions was created for photographers who are feeling stuck or their growth has plateaued. RMS has the tools photographers need AT ANY STAGE of their business to transform and propel growth to create a photography business you love.


Roadmap to Mini-Sessions is only offered twice a year, Spring and Fall. To receive insider, juicy details be sure to join the waitlist today!


I understand investing in your business can be scary. That's why we offer a payment plan (two payments of $333) or a receive a discounted rate (save $111) for paying in full. 


RMS Founding Member, Catie, explains this best:

"Honestly this course could be called “Launching for photographers” because it could work for any type of session offer."

In the end, what you learn inside Roadmap to Mini-Sessions can be applied to every aspect of your photography business. No matter what offers you have.

i'm ready TO JOIN RMS TODAY!

© Kimberly S Romano |  Site Design By Jess Gingrich  | Images by Kimberly S Romano