Real Estate Investor Brand Photoshoot – Shannon Cohan

Photography Inspiration

Meet real estate investor specialist, Shannon Cohan. This woman is not your typical real estate investor. Shannon is an investor that creates high returns for the real estate investors who need an ultimate resource in the Florida market.

Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!

Meet Real Estate Investor – Shannon Cohan

Usually working with retirement funds, savings, equity lines, etc, Shannon doesn’t take for granted the hard work that goes behind this capital resource. She works exceedingly hard to make sure her investors are comfortable during the whole process.

She’s in it for long-term relationships. While the bottom line is important, it’s not about one transaction. It’s about multiple. It’s about years of business relationships. It’s about creating true financial freedom for all parties involved.

Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!

Designing homes and creating more functional spaces is something she’s been daydreaming about since she was 7.  Shannon is a critical thinker at heart, and finding a way to bring out the potential in a project is her happy place.

For Shannon, it’s all about the hunt. Finding the deal, negotiating it, finding the best way to maximize the space and maximize profit. When someone works with Shannon, they receive the “star treatment” all the way.

Brand Strategy

After completing my 1:1 coaching program, Shannon dove right into a brand photoshoot to bring her content to life.

Since we worked together to build the foundation of her personal brand, it was pretty easy to strategize a session. Our goal was to provide her with the images that will allow her audience to get to know, like and trust her. Plus set her up as the go-to real estate investor in the Tampa Bay area.

Ambitious. Assertive. Independent. Sassy yet sophisticated. These are just a few personality traits that come to mind when I think of Shannon. One could say she brought all that and more to her session, but, I’ll just let her images speak for themselves.

So excited that Shannon transitioned from a 1:1 coaching client to a VIP branding client. That just means you will see a lot more of her throughout the next year…and beyond.

Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!
Looking for some inspiration for your next real estate brand photoshoot? Click here to get all the inspo you need.  Free Content Calendar for Real Estate Agents included!

A Message From Shannon

“I was overwhelmed with ideas without any focus and saw the whole idea of creating a social media following as a second job, that I wasn’t excited to take on. I felt so overwhelmed.

But I knew I could generate leads via social and I wanted someone to help to create a brand I could market. That’s when I found Kimberly.

Seamless is the word that comes to mind. Kimberly made sure I had the tools and understanding to create valuable and regular content. She helped me find exactly what my audience was looking for.

Her business is everything I want from a partnership and more. I now know how to create a brand for any business venture I take on. My investment in Kimberly will continue to generate revenue for years to come.

Kimberly is so much fun to work with! More importantly, she gets the job done, holds you accountable for your part, and HELPS you create an identifiable brand unique to you.

If you are feeling overwhelmed like I was, Call Kimberly! She’ll help you identify your brand and help you find the people who are seeking you.”

Shannon, I’m so grateful for you, your friendship and your passion. From the very first time we spoke, it’s like we’ve been friends since birth. Thank you for choosing me to guide you on your journey of empowering women to seek and fulfill their boundless potential.

Tampa Brand Coach and Photographer

Looking for more?

Check out these blog posts for more inspiration and ways to grow your brand!

P.S. If you liked this post and feel others can benefit from reading it, let’s pay it forward! Pin on Pinterest and share on Facebook and Instagram….or email….or text…or shout it from the rooftop! Whichever is your fancy. 🙂

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