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Ways To Market Your Small Business Online That Aren’t Social Media

Business Alignment

Marketing your small business can be a challenging and overwhelming task, especially when you’re limited to social media platforms. It can even feel like a full-time job. Lucky for us small business owners, there are other ways to market your business online that can be just as effective, if not more so.

If you are looking for online marketing options that help convert visitors into paying customers, you’re in luck. In this blog post, I’m sharing 4 ways you can market your business online that aren’t social media.

No. 1 – Blogs Aren’t Dead

Really, though. You’re here, on my blog reading this article. If that doesn’t prove blogs aren’t dead, then I’m sorry friend you’re in denial. 🤣 But in all seriousness though…Blogs can bring in hundreds, even thousands of visitors to your website, if you have relevant, valuable, actionable content that’s directed towards a specific audience.

I’m going to share a little content creation tip, but first I want to ask you a question. Is social media content the first type of content you create? Maybe it’s the only content you’re creating right now.

If this is the case, did you know that you are working twice (if not more) as hard as you need to be?

In my GYST program, I teach a method called the marketing tree. The quick explanation is that you create content for one platform, then repurpose it for others. Since blogs are considered long-form content, you can create a blog post and split it up into multiple social media posts.

No. 2 – Optimize Your Website

Your website is a crucial component of your small business’s online presence. It’s where potential clients can go to verify everything they’ve heard of you from others or have seen of yours on social. While there are many ways to optimize your website, here are a few must have’s to help visitors stay on your site longer:

  • User-friendly with no dead ends
  • Intentional copy to speak to your ideal client
  • Contains high-quality images and/or videos
  • Has a clear call to action, in multiple locations
  • Incorporates relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and title tags for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Market Your Small Business Online

No. 3 – Grow An Email List

Chances are if you are an entrepreneur, this isn’t the first time you’ve heard about growing an email list. And, it’s for good reason.

Email lists are a direct path to building a relationship with our ideal clients. And it’s one that YOU can control. You don’t have to worry about your emails only getting into 1% of your list’s inbox. (oh, hello IG reference) With the right strategy and intention, you can build a list of your ideal clients that are ready to support your business.

Bonus Tip: make sure to segment your email list and personalize your newsletters to increase your engagement and conversion rates.

No. 4 – Utilize Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the most unutilized marketing platforms. With over 400 million active users, Pinterest can help you reach a broader audience and increase brand awareness. That’s A LOT of people, and chances are way more than you would ever see on social.

As photographers, we have an endless supply of new content from our photoshoots alone. And, new content is exactly what Pinterest wants. And SO MANY photographers are not on there marketing their work.

Keep in mind when you start to market on Pinterest that you’ve got to be in it for the long run. Content can take up to 6 months before it really begins to take off. Be patient and stay consistent to see results.

P.S. I have website visitors every single day thanks to Pinterest.

P.P.S. Remember that even though Pinterest has features similar to social media, Pinterest is really a search engine!

In the end, social media isn’t the end of online marketing. The benefit of utilizing a blog, website, and email list is YOU have control. Just remember, whatever your online marketing strategy is, ensure every action you take is doing something to move the needle in your business, not just keep you busy.

Over here cheering you on!

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