How To Turn Followers Into Customers

Business Growth, Photography Inspiration

Would you like to turn your social media followers into paying customers? Let’s make the time and energy you spend on creating content for social media work for YOU!

With over 90% of my business coming from Instagram alone, I’m living proof that you can attract your ideal clients through social media. But there are a few other things you need to do in order to turn those followers into paying clients.

Here’s a quick glance at what you can start implementing right now in your marketing strategy:

  1. Build an intentional personal brand
  2. Work with a professional photographer that specializes in branding photography
  3. Utilize a subscription service with your brand photographer
  4. Be unapologetically you

Let’s dive in a little deeper, shall we?

No. 1 – Build an Intentional Personal Brand

A strong personal brand helps your potential new client decide if they want to work with you before they even reach out to you.

What a personal brand can do for you:

  • Identify your business to others
  • Set expectations
  • Show experiences
  • Share stories
  • Create relationships
  • Allows you to be yourself (which is my personal favorite)

But in order to do all the things stated above, it’s vital to take a step back and look really hard into your business structure.

Now, could you simply show how many houses you’ve listed/sold and provide many home buyer/seller tips? Sure you could!

However, doing what most other real estate agents do isn’t going to help you stand out. Infusing your personality into your brand and marketing will help you stand out in a sea of agents.

No. 2 – Work with a Professional Photographer

Did you know that photography is your secret weapon when it comes to marketing your business?

And when you work with a professional personal brand photographer specializing in not only building personal brands but marketing those brands, you then position yourself to uplevel your brand. This is how you can build a business that keeps you on top of everyone’s mind when a real estate professional is in need. (this applies to every industry!)

Here are a few questions to ask when you are looking for the right photographer for your marketing goals:

  • Do you specialize in branding and marketing photography?
  • What does the planning process look like before our session?
  • Are these photos just headshots, or are there other shots we will take? If so, what are they?
  • What led you to become a personal branding photographer?

Make sure you check out your photographer’s website. This is a great insight into how well they can market their business. If it’s not to your standards, consider it a red flag.

No. 3 – Utilize a Subscription Service

I’m going to say this for the people in the back…Photography is your secret weapon when it comes to marketing your business.

I highly recommend updating your marketing images at LEAST once a year. Twice a year is even better.

Working with the same photographer multiple times a year produces many benefits:

  • Saves you time by having updated, on-brand images that represent your business the way you want to be perceived all year long.
  • Typically saves you money.
  • You become more comfortable with the photographer.
  • You don’t have to ‘start over’ by explaining your goals/what you like or don’t like/etc, every time you do a session.
  • Provides consistency in your marketing materials.
  • And so much more…

How many shoots you do a year is something to speak to the photographer about. Let them know what your annual marketing goals are and be open to their suggestions.

No. 4 – Be Unapologetically You

Ahhhh, my favorite topic. Outside of organizing, that is!

You can’t stand out when you are trying to be someone else. Or do everything in your business the same way as everybody else. And spoiler alert…doing what everyone else is doing only leaves you constantly chasing marketing strategies. Now that sounds exhausting.

Have you ever seen another person in your industry do something in their business that led you to believe that if you did the same thing, you would be as successful as them? How did that work out?

Here’s what they aren’t telling you. The marketing strategy/content worked for them because it was true to who they are. What they do and how they do it stems from their values, beliefs, and purpose.

Step back and take the time you need to determine your own values, beliefs, and your purpose for doing what you do. Then build everything from there. You’ll attract more people who are just like you. And you’ll find working with like-minded people a dream.

You’ll also repel people…which is exactly what you want to do.

Turning followers into customers

In the end, you’ll find that natural, organic, personality-driven marketing is what will turn your social media followers into paying customers. No matter what industry you’re in, or what product/service you offer.

Below are some examples of what a personality-driven branding photoshoot can look like. You’ll see a mix of modern headshots, working shots, and lifestyle images. But remember, these images don’t just magically happen on their own during a session. Make sure your photographer is asking you the right questions to strategically plan out what photographs you’ll create together

Looking for even more?

Check out these blog posts for more inspiration and ways to grow your brand!

Start Strategizing Your Next Photoshoot

Want to get a head start on planning your next personal brand photoshoot? You can download the exact same workbook provided to my clients to help get the wheels turning. Click the link below and download your copy today!


P.S. If you liked this post and feel others can benefit from reading it, let’s pay it forward! Pin on Pinterest and share on Facebook and Instagram….or email….or text…or shout it from the rooftop! Whichever is your fancy. 🙂

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